The situation

Our adversaries

As should be obvious to any alert observer, democracy is under attack in the United States. If we’re going to effectively push back against authoritarianism, we need to be well-informed about who and what we’re up against. Here are a few links to some good reading material.

Project 2025 — the Trump 2.0 playbook, in PDF form so you can search it. Meanwhile, a Project 2025 Tracker has been built — they’re almost a third of the way through their objectives!

Dark Enlightenment / Neo-reactionary Movement (Wikipedia) — the philosophy that Peter Thiel and J.D. Vance are espousing.

The Cruelty is the Point — Adam Serwer, in The Atlantic (behind a paywall if you have a subscription, otherwise use to jump it). Key line: “President Trump and his supporters find community by rejoicing in the suffering of those they hate and fear.”

Keep your chin up

Fighting authoritarianism takes daily effort, and can really wear a person down. These resources might help keep your spirits up.

Join a community support group — Littleton residents have already started up two (Lady Ds for women only, and Community Conversations for everybody). Come to one of their upcoming events, and make some new like-minded friends! You might also want to check out Vibrant Littleton and WIMPS (Working for Inclusive Municipal Policies and Systems).

The Borowitz Report — Andy Borowitz’ Substack site, serious and yet funny.

Ann Telnaes (Substack) — editorial cartoonist, formerly of the Washington Post.

The Onion — not always political, but it’s smart satirical fun

NewsThump — essentially the U.K.’s answer to The Onion, some adult language

Ten reasons for modest optimism, Ten more reasons for modest optimism, and More reasons for modest optimism — by Robert Reich on Substack