All is not lost, and we can all play a part (no matter how small it may feel at the time). Nobody’s expecting you to storm the Bastille, you can do a lot of good by just living in an intentional way.
Vote with your dollars
Being educated about the recipients of your spending, and adjusting your buying habits accordingly is one of the simplest ways to help the “good guys” on a regular basis.
Goods Unite Us — before you spend money with a company, find out who they’re giving money to.
Voting with Your Dollars: Grocery Stores — by Denise Conroy, a deep dive into the political leanings of grocery stores.
Rethink your social media
Social media titans are trying to sunset democracy, and they’re monetizing your data to do it.
I’d recommend you get off X (Twitter) entirely, and get off Meta (Facebook / Instagram) or at least make your presence there non-lucrative for Mark Z. Wilbur Turner has a good set of recommendations, while EFF has a somewhat more-detailed list, and the all_things_democracy Instagram account has a good explanation in this video / reel.
Bluesky is a much healthier social media alternative. I’ve listed some good starting accounts over on the “Staying Informed” page.
Share your concerns with your Senators / Representative
It’s easy to do, and we’ve got a whole page of information on the subject.
Send some postcards
Do this from home, starting with a kit from the Blue Wave Postcard Movement.
Support allies
Littleton Social Cycle — a passionate community of casual bikers in Littleton
Vibrant Littleton — group that wants more convenient and connected communities that are walking and rolling friendly. Holds meetings every Friday morning at 8am at Born2Bake.
WIMPS (Working for Inclusive Municipal Policies and Systems) — working for sustainable and equitable change in our Littleton community and promote and support organizations that mirror our values of a more diverse, inclusive, and vibrant Littleton.
Indivisible — a promising grass roots organization
VoteVets — elevating the voices of veterans
ACLU Colorado — local chapter of “the granddaddy” of civil rights organizations
Public Citizen — a non-profit consumer advocacy organization. Offers weekly petitions to sign, among other things.
AltNPS — the Alt National Park Service, a grassroots movement dedicated to preserving the mission of national parks, especially in periods of policy uncertainty.
50501 — if you need a little fresh air, maybe a protest is just what the doctor ordered
More thoughts
Robert Reich has his own list of suggestions on Substack.
Indivisible: A Practical Guide to Democracy on the Brink (free PDF), produced by
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